* Gathering - March 15, 2025 Sponsorship Training Available 5pm-6pm 6pm to 9pm Uniontown United Methodist Church 13370 Cleveland Avenue NW Uniontown, OH 44685 Please bring a snack or dessert to share (Refreshments starting at 6) We have plenty of beverages! See you there! Watch Facebook/Email for any changes and/or cancellations. Future Gatherings will be May 17, Jun 21, Aug 16 - music & picnic, Sep 20, Nov 15, Dec 6.
* Sponsorship Training - Are you sponsoring a Pilgrim on a future walk? Would you like to learn more about sponsorship? On 3/15 at 5:00, there will be a sponsorship training prior to the Gathering. Led by Doug and Lisa Herr, it will cover important areas of good sponsorship such as: - Who makes a good candidate? Should couples go together? - What is my role on the weekend, both at home and at camp? - What should I not do as a sponsor? - What is my role AFTER the Walk? Good sponsorship is key for us to continue our mission to grow and support in our local churches. We need you! If you are sponsoring, please make sure you come to the training so you are ready to show your love to your Pilgrim! Any questions, please reach out to Doug and Lisa at l.herr@zoominternet.net
* Sponsorship Forms - Please Send Pilgrim Applications and Sponsor forms to Debbie Breyley, 890 Kirkwall Dr Copley, OH 44321 dabreyley@aol.com / Cell: 330-606-6840 Cost is $215 Deadline: Applications, Sponsor Forms and payment in full must be received 2 weeks prior to the walk start date.
* News from the Board - 02-18-25: Greetings 4th Day; Our Spring Walks are just a little over a month away, and God is working with the teams to prepare an event that will change lives for the team members and pilgrims. But as a community God has a place for growing not only those who are directly involved in the weekend event, but for those who seek to hear how He can use you, in showing servanthood and agape, to the teams and pilgrims as they journey together. Each time that we as a community come together to use our hearts, hands and feet to enhance the experience that we call the Walk to Emmaus, God returns blessings to us, as we bless others. At the upcoming closings, I get to share with the pilgrims of Walks 105, ways they can get involved in the community. I remember when I was a pilgrim, the servanthood I saw on the weekend from a community who didn’t know me, overwhelmed me, and I was wanting to know how I could be involved in serving God by serving others, like they had served me. First of all, I got the message from that weekend, that the “WHY” of the Walk to Emmaus was not about the feelings I was having, but what I learned the success of the 72 hours I had spent was to renew me as a Christian Disciple, so that I would go back to serve and strengthen my church. But there was another message shared, when the Community Lay Director got up at the closing and answered the question of how can I serve others the way they served me? We all got to hear this when we did our walk, and it goes something like this: We would like you to continue to be an active part of this Emmaus Community, and there are many, many ways in which you can SERVE… First, you can Attend Monthly Gatherings – talk to your sponsor about making sure you are introduced to and attend these monthly events. Are you still attending monthly gatherings to show your support to the community? You can sign up for the 72 Hour Prayer Vigil. – When was the last time your name was on the 72 Hour Prayer Vigil? I hope it was on Walk 104, but there are spaces still available for Walk 105. You can… Serve Meals… We can especially use you on Friday morning breakfast, Saturday morning breakfast and both meals on Sunday. Write or make Agape individually or as a group. Please think back to when you received your Agape bags as a pilgrim and the blessing it was for you, God can use you in this way to bless the pilgrims. You can provide food Agape for the weekend. Snacks are an important part of the overwhelming love that the team and pilgrims feel and having it there available for the Kitchen team to continue to surprise the pilgrims with the amounts of food is really important to the event. You can Attend Candlelight – I have remembered Candlelight services that were so crowded it was hard to make a path through the barn, that only happens when all the community make it a priority to be there. You can attend Closing. This is important for the pilgrims, but this is also an important time when God can refresh you, as you hear the impact the weekend has had for each pilgrim. YOU CAN EVEN SPONSOR ANOTHER PILGRIM. As you read this newsletter there is still time to sponsor a pilgrim for Walk 105 both men and women, and as I challenged you last month, we need to fill the rosters of the pilgrims, not because we want a full house for the weekend, but because your church needs others you know to experience the love that is shown on an Emmaus Event, so they can bring new life to their church. Down the road, you could even Serve on an Emmaus Team if you are asked by one of the Weekend Lay Leaders. If you have been missed over the last couple of walks and have the desire to serve on a team again, or for the first time, I give you permission to talk to Chris Vaughn and Becky McCullough, the Weekend Lay Leaders for Walk 106, and let them know to pass your name on to the Weekend Lay Leaders for Walk 107, if they are not able to find a spot for you on their teams. One of the key things for each of you at this time is to get plugged into an Accountability Group either at your church, or with the new friends you made here this weekend. One of the strengths of the Emmaus movement is participation in a group that can help keep the fire alive in your life, when meeting with other like-minded people. If you are not in a group, currently, seek one out, because groups change lives. I ask you as Community Lay Director, could you imagine if each of us as a community member would do one or more of these acts of service, how it would bring home the message of what the Walk to Emmaus is all about? I believe that God wants to bless us as we are a blessing to others, and if you have left these acts of service to someone else you are missing out on the joy of serving, that God provides. Talk to God to find out which way He wants you to serve, next month for the East Ohio Emmanual Emmaus Walks 105. Christ is Counting on You. DeColores Charlie Brechmacher Community Lay Director 2025
* Walk 105 - Men - Apr 3-6, 2025 - Lay Leader Shawn Fearon - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; submit to Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 - Assistant Lay Leader: John Shilling / ALDs: Herb Huff, Josh Atkinson, Dustin Valentine, Jared Collins, Perry Atkinson / SDs: Bubba Heasley, Ken Kesler, Ash Welch, Mike Kager Jr, Jamie Walters / Kitchen: Tom Huggins, Larry Young, Danny Brown, Rich Cochran, Trevor Eisenbrei / Agape: Dave Blubaugh, Brian Bard, David Baird / Music: Steve McLain, Sean Cristea, Jason Neel / Chapel Neil Fritz, Shad Swinehart, Ken Shillingburg, Bob Geiser / Table Leaders w/o Talk: Matt Just, Roger Bill, Kristopher Lewis / Board Rep: Jim Grafe / Utility: Mike McCullough / Table Leaders w/Talk: Michael Patterson, Adam Swinehart, Dave McIntyre, Tom Harstine, Travis Hostetler, Bob DeSeyn, Ron Crowl / Pilgrims: ??? / Walks are held at Camp Wanake - 9463 Manchester Ave SW Beach City, OH 44608
* Walk 105 - Women - Apr 10-13, 2025 - Lay Leader Laurie Maltempi - "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10 - Assistant Lay Leader: Diane Boslett / ALDs: Stacy Ickes, Annie Herr, Tammy Huggins, Rachel Kline, Laci McIntyre / SDs: Vince Maltempi, Russ Bowman, Cindy Olson, Jane Piehl, Bill Seymour / Kitchen: Carol Pozuc, Melissa Aquirre, Deb Breyley, Jen Curall, Vickie Just / Agape: Cheryl Wendell, Emily Brown, Joann Fearon / Music: Colleen Ash, Sue Langanek, Sally Maltempi / Chapel: Deb Rupert, Kristie Bourgeois, Krista Clavecilla, Pam Ferguson / Table Leaders w/o Talk: Dawn Collins, Carolyn Shadley, Carolyn Valentine / Board Rep: Wand Dunn / Utility: Sue Petrak / Table Leaders w/Talk: Val Riedthaler, Kathy Grafe, Allie Carter, Deb Ferry, Laura Geiser, Joy Weaver, Betty Fulton / Pilgrims: ?? / Walks are held at Camp Wanake - 9463 Manchester Ave SW Beach City, OH 44608
* What is Emmaus? - The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. The "East Ohio Emmanuel Emmaus" is a local community that organizes local events. * How Can I Attend? - To get involved, you must be sponsored by someone who has already attended Emmaus. If you don't know someone who has gone, you can locate a community near you and ask for assistance in being sponsored. * How did Emmaus start? - The Walk to Emmaus is an adaptation of the Roman Catholic movement started in 1949 in Spain. Each local community is governed by a Board of Directors. The Walk is administered world-wide through Upper Room Ministries in Nashville, TN. * I've already made a Walk, How can I serve? - Because the Walk to Emmaus is community-based, there are many ways to utilize your gifts! * Is there something available for young adults? - The weekend is similar - but very much tailored to youth. As part of the Chrysalis program, a "Flight" is for someone 15-18, and a "Journey" is for someone 19-24. You can find out more on the website of the Northeast Ohio Chrysalis Community.