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What is Emmaus?

The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders.

The "East Ohio Emmanuel Emmaus" is a local community that organizes local events.

  • How Can I Attend?
    To get involved, you must be sponsored by someone who has already attended Emmaus. If you don't know  someone who has gone, you can locate a community near you and ask for assistance in being sponsored.

  • How did Emmaus start?
    The Walk to Emmaus is an adaptation of the Roman Catholic movement started in 1949 in Spain. Each local community is governed by a Board of Directors. The Walk is administered world-wide through Upper Room Ministries in Nashville, TN.

  • I've already made a Walk, How can I serve?
    Because the Walk to Emmaus is community-based, there are many ways to utilize your gifts! Click here to let us know if you are interested in serving. If you've moved, changed phone number, email addrews, etc, click here to update your info!

  • Is there something available for young adults?
    The weekend is similar - but very much tailored to youth. As part of the Chrysalis program, a "Flight" is for someone 15-18, and a "Journey" is for someone 19-24. You can find out more on the website of the Northeast Ohio Chrysalis Community.

  • PDF with more details

  • Is there more information about The Upper Room?

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